About Us
We are the Southampton Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice, and Support Service. (SENDIASS)
Every Local Authority in England must commission an Information, Advice and Support (IAS) service for their area about; matters relating to children and young people with SEND, enabling them to participate in decision making processes, and help them to achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes.
We work under the Rose Road Association who are commissioned to provide the SENDIAS service for the Southampton, and West Berkshire areas.
The Rose Road Association is a charity that provides services for children and young adults with severe physical disabilities, learning difficulties, and/or autism, and their families.
To find out more about the Rose Road Association, head over to their website here.

What We Do
A service for those living or working with ages 0-25yrs with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Providing factual information found in SEND law and practices as well as local knowledge and signposting
Providing impartial advice on what steps to take in the areas of Education, Health, and Social Care
Providing confidential individualised support to empower those who seek our assistance
How it Works
Submit your question and details listed on the Enquiry Form on our Contact Us page
Information Support
Triage answer your query with initial information and resources designed for parents
It is up to you to come back to us if this doesn’t give you all the information you need
Triage Support
If further support is needed
Adviser Support
Intense Adviser Support
End of Support
SENDIASS Process Flowchart

Feedback really helps us improve our service. If you have a complaint, or want to give us some positive feedback then let us know your thoughts on our service by taking this quick survey!
Follow us on Socials
🔴We have a factsheet on our website that has information and strategies to support your child.
🔴Find it here👉https://www.southamptonsendiass.info/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/SO-Masking-in-School.pdf
🔴We have put together a list of local and national organisations that parents/carers can access for mental health support for their young people.👇
➡️Papyrus offers confidential advice and support to any child or young person under the age of 35 struggling with thoughts of suicide, or anyone who is concerned about a young person through their telephone service 👉https://www.papyrus-uk.org/papyrus-HOPELINE247/
🔴Please be aware we are currently experiencing a high demand for our service ,so it may take up to ten working days for initial queries before our team can provide information,advice and support ,but we will do so as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.🙏
🔴In the meantime did you know we have a library of factsheets,videos and template letters on our website with a wealth of information ranging from : SEN support,reduced timetables,choosing a school and many more...click on the link below⬇️
🔴Have a look and download any that you might find helpful.Let us know what you think and if you have any feedback for further resources.
We are currently working hard to stock up our library of factsheets. If there is a topic that you would like us to provide a factsheet for, that is not currently shown on the page, then please let us know!😊
🔴Did you know we have a ⭐️ “STEP BY STEP GUIDE “⭐️ on our website which outlines the Appeal Process and explains all the relevant information that you should know after you have lodged your appeal.
🔴 Find the guide here: 🔗 https://www.southamptonsendiass.info/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/SO-Appeal-Process-after-Lodging-Appeal.pdf
🔴We often get requests for Southampton SENDIASS to attend meetings.
Due to the number of parents/carers, children, and young people we support we are not able to accept all the meeting requests we receive. Meeting requests will always be looked into, and a decision will be made based on the guidelines listed in our factsheet.
🔴 please do take some time to review our Meeting and Tribunal Support factsheet,you can find the factsheet here.👇
Meet the Team
All Triage Officers and Advisors have completed professional SEND legal training run by the Independent Provider of Special Educational Advice (IPSEA). This means they can give you accurate, relevant, and legally based information about your rights and responsibilities and those of schools, colleges, the Local Authority and education professionals.
Most of our team also have lived personal experience of the SEND education system, adding an extra layer to their skills and understanding. We also attend regular training and updates on SEND issues. Find out more about our team below!
The SENDIASS Team are
- DBS Checked
- Professionally Trained
- Regulated
- Experienced
- Needs Driven
- Empowering
- Supportive
- Compassionate

Shibley Begum
I am a parent of two boys, one of whom has SEN and complex health needs.
SENDIASS have been supporting me with knowledge, information, and expert advice with my son’s EHCP and appeal for a SEN school. SENDIASS guidance and support has empowered me to make informed decisions for my son’s education.
Having faced the challenges of an appeal and applying for an EHCP, I know how challenging and overwhelming it can be navigating the complex SEND educational system and SEND laws.
I hope to enable other parents and carers feel empowered in taking informed decisions regarding their children’s education and social care.
Before becoming a parent, I had a career in banking, and I have been volunteering at Citizens Advice service for over a year now. I have discovered through volunteering at Citizens Advice Service that I really enjoy helping people and making a difference to their lives and I hope I can make a difference to other parents lives who are seeking advice and support at SENDIASS.
Some of my hobbies/interests include:
I like to spend time with my family outside exploring nature. I enjoy praying and practicing my faith.
Fun fact about me:
I’m currently learning Arabic grammar. I also enjoy going to the gym, and exploring different food places in different cities with my family.

Emma Fraser
Triage Officer
Two of our four children have SEN. I was first introduced to SENDIASS when looking for support, first for our daughter and then later our son. The information and advice given by SENDIASS gave me the tools and confidence to support and make the right decisions for my children’s education.
Once my children were settled back into education I returned to college, firstly to retake my GCSEs and then to complete a Diploma in Health and Social care with the hope that I could someday provide other parents and young people impartial advice and the tools needed to empower them to make informed decisions regarding education, health and social care.
After completing my Diploma I initially volunteered at SENDIASS before joining the team as a administrative assistant.
Having first hand experience of the difficulties that can arise when your child has SEN means that I understand when listening to parents concerns and questions and hope to provide individualised support to help their children reach their full potential.
Some of my hobbies/interests include:
We have two dogs so spend a lot of time walking in the New Forest with them. I also enjoy reading and learning new cooking recipes.
Fun fact about me:
I have just started swimming lessons for the first time at the age of 46 as my goal is to join my family in water sport activities rather than watching from the sideline.

Charlene Hemmings
Triage Officer
Many years ago I volunteered at a local playgroup, offering respite care for children with disabilities. After having my own children, I went on to study for a Level 3 Diploma in Early Years Childcare and worked in a Pre-school as an Early Years Practitioner. Whilst I loved working with the children, I felt that I wanted to be able to offer more support and advice to families, which led me to this role at Rose Road.
Some of my hobbies/interests include:
I love to bake cakes….and eat them! As a family we love trips to the beach or the forest. I really enjoy being creative and have attempted many different crafts including floristry, pottery, painting and bread making….I’m not very good but it’s fun having a go!
Fun fact about me:
One day I WILL complete the Couch 2 5K app all the way to the end and start to actually enjoy running! One day…..!

Jasmine Dace
Senior Triage Officer
As a child I was a young carer for my brother and my mum. I have several years of practical experience working with disabled young people, helping them to overcome their difficulties and realise their abilities… and have fun doing it! Now, I am enjoying using my skills and knowledge to help families to achieve better outcomes for their loved ones with SEND difficulties. I am also a Msc Psychology student hoping to eventually become an Educational Psychologist!
Some of my hobbies/interests include:
I love exploring nature and the outdoors, cooking delectable dinners, and collecting crystals.
Fun Fact about me:
I am also very creative, with a Bachelor’s degree in Illustration and previous involvement performing lead roles in theatre shows.

Anna Gunn
Parent/Carer Adviser
I became interested in this field when my own children began to display SEN. I then realised how difficult it was to get the information that would help me and make life easier. I wanted to make decisions about what would be the best route for my children but found that gathering all the information needed around school choices and support for families very difficult and time consuming to find.
It can be emotional exhausting when you are so involved and trying to manage so may things at one time. I wanted to help other people in this position too and I have now been involved in supporting parents and young people for 6 years.
Having first-hand experience in a lot of SEN aspects that parents who contact Roseroad helps with understanding how a situation feels.
I feel passionate about supporting and have a comprehensive view of SEN, having supported within SENDIASS, and have also worked within the Local Authority SEN department.
I really enjoy supporting people with information and advice and helping them navigate this tricky system and in turn empowering people to pursue their goals.
Before I worked in the SEN field, I was in the Coast Guard, Merchant Navy and Police.
Some of my hobbies/interests include:
I love Gymnastics and coach Tumbling to a National level 4 times a week.
I like to trampoline when I can (fitness permitting) and supporting young people there too.
I have always been interested in food and nutrition. I love to research food types and experiment cooking and definitely love the eating part !
I like to be out and have fun times in the open air with my family.
Fun fact about me:
I have been to 56 countries when in the Navy.
I have jumped out of a perfectly working aeroplane and bungee jumped in New Zealand.
I have rafted in Nepal and led scuba diving in Thailand.
I managed to emigrated to Australia for a week and shipped all my furniture which didn’t re-join in the UK for 3 months !

Hannah Pinchin
Parent/Carer Adviser
I joined the team in October 2019 after spending the previous 18 months applying for and appealing my own SEN child’s EHCP. I attend regular local and regional SEN courses to expand my knowledge and offer as much advice as possible. I hope to enable families to feel empowered when it comes to ensuring that their children and young people’s needs are fully understood, and the appropriate provisions are in place.
Some of my hobbies/interests include:
Baking, walks, and reading
Fun Fact about me:
I have a PhD in Microbiology

Richard Uren
Parent/Carer Adviser
I have been working with Roseroad since 2010 at the start of Parent Voice. I have worked on the Community Buddy scheme since its inception in 2011 and as an Independent Supporter with the introduction of the Education , Health and Care plan from 2014-2018.
SEND is a complex system incorporating a huge amount of law, guidance , responsibilities , case law and in many cases misunderstanding and interpretation. As an advisor we provide independent advice to help families navigate through the system. I understand how frustrating the system can be from my own experience bringing up my son, who is severely autistic. I hope through my training and experience I can help and support families to get the right support and guidance, to ensure their children reach their full potential
Some of my hobbies/interests include:
Reading, Football, Cycling

Ashley Raynor
Programme Manager
I have worked in the Southampton area supporting unpaid carers since 2014. This has been in a variety of roles including specifically working with those caring for someone with a Learning Disability, Physical Disability or Sensory Impairment. I am passionate about ensuring everyone has access to individualised information and support and can therefore make empowered and informed decisions in their lives. I understand how challenging it can be for young people, for parents/carers, and for professionals to navigate the education, health and social care systems and how overwhelming it can be. Sometimes we all need help to understand what is available, understand the complex laws and guidelines that define this, and determine what is best for each individual persons needs. I am proud to be part of such a knowledgeable and compassionate team who are here to offer that help.
Some of my hobbies/interests include:
I love good food, spending time with family and friends, and exploring outdoors with my husband and my two boys. I am an avid reader of fantasy fiction and love to binge watch TV series once my kids are asleep.
Fun Fact about me:
I am also a Perinatal Educator and teach a range of antenatal education classes and baby massage and yoga classes.