Contact Us

What can you expect?

Our About Us Page and What to Expect Document gives details on how our support process works

We encourage you to use the Enquiry Form below on first contact as this gives us the details we need so we can focus on answering your question

Our service is open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday

Most of our staff work part-time. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible and within
10 working days

0300 303 2677

Enquiry Form

See Below

Submit an Enquiry / Referral

This is our brand new Enquiry form. We have provided some guidance below.
If you have any issues with completing the form, please let us know and we will assist you.

Additional support needs – This dropdown asks if the Parent/Carer has any needs of their own we need to take into account
Additional support needs details – Give further details of the support need and what works best
Main area of need – Select the child/young person’s main need in relation to the query
Current SEN Status – Select where the child/young person is currently at in the SEN education system. If you are not sure then select “To be added later”
Referral / Enquiry details – Explain what information, advice, or support you are requesting
All other fields – should be self explanatory (don’t be afraid to ask for help if needed though!)

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